Say hello to your dream job.

we did it and so can you!

Our fun on-demand course will teach you how to build (or re-build) a home staging business that gives you time freedom, uses your creative superpowers, and provides for your family,

. . . all while doing something that lights you up inside.

Imagine how incredible it would feel to wake up whenever you wanted, to be home to get the kids off the bus on those sunny spring days, or to finally say bye felicia to your 9-5 cubicle life.

count me in

aren't you ready for...

A career that feels like sunshine?

A new exciting challenge to overcome?

Unlimited earning potential?

(I'm assuming you're nodding because who wouldn't want that? I mean, I sure did.)

aren't you ready for...

A career that feels like sunshine?

A new exciting challenge to overcome?

Unlimited earning potential?

(I'm assuming you're nodding because who wouldn't want that? I mean, I sure did.)



Hi, I'm Amy!

Today I'm a successful business owner and home staging mentor, but in 2016 I was just a burnt-out grad student working in an insurance cubicle, wishing for more out of my life. Once I cracked the code, I got down to business figuring out how to help you do the same, because life is too short to work for a soulless corporation where you can't see the sky and your potential dies in the back closet.

I'm here to help you bring it out into the light, polish it up, and start living the life you were meant to.

I've been where you are.

I spent years stuck in jobs that I hated.

I felt unnoticed and unfulfilled, and I was beginning to wonder if this was as good as it gets.

That was 2016.

Today, I get up with the sun and do yoga instead of rushing off to an office, I still get the tingles about the work I do every day, and my earning potential is limited only by my own creativity and hustle.

It took years of trial and error, but I built a home staging business up from a $99 budget and total delusion. I tested and experimented, eventually working out the kinks.

And along the way I figured out that the industry had bupkis for training when it came to smaller businesses and lower budgets.

So now I want to teach you.

In fact, my business partner Jes and I felt so strongly that the industry needed better training for stagers like us that we created the exact course we wish had existed when we were new, and now we're sharing our years of expertise to help you plant the first seeds of your future career.


You have a great eye already, but you need help refining and practicing your skills.

We'll help you feel confident!


We'll help you feel confident!

You have a great eye already, but you need help refining and practicing your skills.


You love the idea of owning a business but you need help with the nuts & bolts so you can focus on the fun part - designing!

you deserve a career you love


you deserve a career you love

You love the idea of owning a business but you need help with the nuts & bolts so you can focus on the fun part - designing!


Inside the course we've included tons of free goodies like our eBook for new stagers, templates, checklists & more!

get your hands on the good stuff


get your hands on the good stuff

Inside the course we've included tons of free goodies like our eBook for new stagers, templates, checklists & more!

Who This Course Is For:

  • Brand New Stagers Starting From Scratch
  • Newer Stagers Looking To Rebuild A Stronger Foundation
  • Realtors & Designers Who Want To Add Staging To Their Offerings



Find your footing & get to know your teachers

Business Basics

Learn the building blocks of a healthy staging business

Design Basics

Fill out your design skills, learn proper terminology & master design concepts

Staging & Real Estate Basics

Get the hang of your new industry & learn the ropes of Home Staging

Sourcing & Selecting Inventory

Learn how to select, source & manage inventory - complete with packing lists!

Selling Your Staging Skills

Steal our magic strategy for selling without feeling salesy & gain confidence

Mental Health

Get dialed in on the kind of lifestyle a successful business owner needs to maintain

Take A Tour

Walk through the details of the course with me!


SECTION 1: Introduction

Welcome & About Amy & Jes
Becoming The Butterfly
Where You're Starting From
Course Overview
Course Guide Download

Section 2: business basics

Admin Part 1: Legal Stuff
Admin Part 2: Contracts
Admin Part 3: Money Stuff
Admin Part 4: Quoting & Invoicing
Admin Part 5: Safety & Organization
Business Q&A

section 3: design basics

Intro to Design
Design Part 1: Color
Design Part 2: Balancing Your Design
Design Part 3: Design Hacks & Tricks
Design Part 4: Other Design Concepts
Design Q&A

section 4: staging & real estate basics

Staging Part 1: Staging Overview
Staging Part 2: Consultations
Staging Part 3: Occupied Staging
Staging Part 4: Vacant Staging
Staging & Real Estate Action Challenge & Q&A

section 5: sourcing & selecting inventory

Sourcing Part 1: Overview
Sourcing Part 2: Dining Rooms and Bathrooms
Sourcing Part 3: Living Rooms & Mantles
Sourcing Part 4: Offices & Filler Vignettes
Sourcing Part 5: Kitchens & Bedrooms
Sourcing Part 6: The Walkthrough & Packing

section 6: selling your staging services

Sales Part 1: Educating As Selling
Sales Part 2: Alternatives to Teaching a Class
Sales Part 3: Marketing
Sales part 4: Managing Your Leads
Sales Q&A

section 6: mental health

Mental Health Part 1: The Physical Stuff
Mental Health Part 2: Your Nervous System
Mental Health Part 3: You Can Do It!
Final Q&A
Download Your Free Ebook


I have been telling everyone that it was the best decision I made taking this Home Staging course. I know God led me to you guys. Thank you, thank you, and thank you for everything!

Kesha, Realtor & New Stager

Loved the information from the stager starter course. I took Stager Starter wanting to learn more about the business of home staging. I can honestly say the classes have a lot of excellent and useful information.

The class has helped me along this journey with great success. Thank you so much!!!

Rhonda, New Stager

you don't have to go it alone.

Once we realized that we were in the driver's seat of our own lives, everything changed for us.

As The Muppets would say, 'life's like a movie - write your own ending!' We're here to help you get started building your dreams, so buckle up.

I'm ready to start!

you're in charge here

Based On Real-Life Experience

Most stager trainings are pricey and irrelevant for stagers like us because they're created by the big-budget stagers in big-budget markets who don't understand what bootstrapping your business in a lower-income market is actually like.

We not only understand it, we lived it.

That's why this course is designed to help solve those problems and get you started on the right path so that you don't waste time testing and dismissing strategies that don't work for you like we did.

Perfect For Boutique-Sized Dreams

Not everyone dreams of a 10,000 sq ft warehouse.

In fact, as soon as we scaled up in our business, we looked around and realized it wasn't what we wanted. We were working constantly, and the pressure to book enough stagings each month to meet our rising overhead meant that we barely saw our families and were spiraling toward burnout.

So we scaled right back down to a sweet spot that suits a softer, slower lifestyle, and lets us be more than just overworked entrepreneurs - all without sacrificing a healthy income for our families.